Thursday, December 5, 2019

December Daily (5)

Ugh! My house still isn't decorated, my tree is up but it is naked (no lights, no ornaments). Christmas is coming, just slowly! lol! I don't even have presents wrapped. Fingers crossed for next week, though it is shaping up to be another busy week. I think Monday is the only day I'm going to be home most of the day, and that's only if I can get some grocery shopping done over the weekend. But what I do have is St Nicholas Day gifts. Just some socks and a little candy for each kiddo. Just a little something to be festive!

Tonight we are watching A Charlie Brown Christmas :)


  1. This week has kicked my Christmas butt also! Our tree is not decorated yet either...I still need to make the ornaments! I got about 85% of the decorating done. It was so overwhelming! So much stuff, but great stuff! I can't believe you are adding more to your December To-Do with the fun holidays! Go you!


  2. Thanks, Mary! It was all easy stuff! Your tree looked great!
