Wednesday, December 4, 2019

December Daily (4) and National Cookie Day!

Like most days around here, today has been busy! I've managed to finish canning up sweet potatoes (a total of 21 quarts) and get a few things done, but I've still got quite a bit left to do this afternoon. We'll be decorating the tree tonight :) And while we decorate, we'll enjoy some hot chocolate or eggnog and some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, made this morning to celebrate National Cookie Day! The recipe I used has been around a long time. I've always referred to them as Miracle Cookies, but I've heard them called other things, too. Here's the recipe I used.

Miracle Cookies

1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 cup peanut butter (smooth or crunchy)

Measure your sugar and put into a bowl. Crack in your egg. Mix the sugar and egg together. No need to use a mixer, a spoon will do just fine. Measure out your peanut butter (use a clean spoon :) ) and add to your sugar mixture. Mix well. At this point you can add in chocolate chips (I use mini ones) if you wish. Use a teaspoon or a cookie scoop to measure out balls of dough onto a parchment lined cookie sheet. Criss cross with a fork and bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes. That's it! Easy and delicious!

Take care!


  1. Never heard of these before! I like that all the ingredients are stuff folks usually have on hand too!

  2. They are super easy and good, too! My 14 year old likes to make them!
