Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Today was chilly and rainy. Not a very good day for taking pictures, which is what I had planned to do, in order to do a follow up post from yesterday. It will have to wait until tomorrow. This works out fine because I should have posted this first. I've just been so scatterbrained. I hope the rest of the year won't be like this!

One thing I don't do is make resolutions. I know there are many people out there that don't make resolutions either. They tend to make goals. Well, I sort of make goals, but they are very loose. If you hold them too tightly, they become resolutions, don't they? :) What I like to do is learn. This year, these are the things I would like to learn:

1. how to have a wardrobe for all seasons where I will wear the clothes

2. how to effectively take advantage of sales and preserve what I buy

3. how to garden in my zone for optimal results

4. expand my knowledge of knitting

5. expand my knowledge of embroidery

6. expand my knowledge of sewing

I will be expanding on these in future posts, so stay tuned there. And now, I am cold and tired and I am off to bed!

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